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 Theta Chapter

                  Of                     Sigma Sigma Rho Sorority Inc. 

One Mind. One Soul. One Purpose. One Love. 

Welcome from our President

On behalf of Sigma Sigma Rho, Theta Chapter I would like to extend a warm welcome! My name is Anushka Patel and I am the current chapter president. On our website you can find more information about our history, recruitment, our shared memories, and FAQ's.

Sigma Sigma Rho was one of the best decisions I have made in my college career. I have been able to meet so many new people and form and amazing community. I admire my sisters for their strength and determination. They are not afraid to fight for what's right and are always there to lend a helping hand. I am so proud of them and can't wait to see them take on the world.

We pride ourselves with our dedication to both academics and our philanthropy. Our sisters

have handled various chair positions and outside internships while still maintaining

a heathy balance of school and social life. As apart of Theta Chapter of Sigma Sigma Rho, Sorority Inc., I make it apart of my mission to be as involved within Georgia State Student life as much as possible.

I am very excited for this year and can't wait to see what the future has in

store for us!

One Love,

Anushka "Synergetik" Patel

Sigma Sigma Rho President

Theta Chapter

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